Tuesday, November 11, 2008
North American Lavender Conference 2008
Fall in the Finger Lakes
We're back from the North American Lavender Conference held in Sequim, Washington.
The conference is held every two years and is produced by the Sequim Lavender Growers Association. Speakers from all over the world share their knowledge of how to grow, propagate, use and market this remarkable herb.
This year's keynote speaker was Paul Abbott, owner of Isle of Wight Lavender of Great Britian. He gave us some great new ideas on ways to propagate lavender and improving soil conditions. Workshops were conducted by specialist in the cosmetic industry, experts on agri-tourism and nursery owners on how to set up a green house. Attendees from all over the country shared their secrets of success.
We loved sharing the love of lavender with other growers and can't wait to develop new products and kicking our business into full gear. So stay tuned!