Despite the heat on Saturday and the rain on Sunday morning nothing stopped our visitors from picking lavender and enjoying the day. We estimated that over 2500 guests enjoyed picking lavender, culinary delights, outstanding art and presentations from our wonderful speakers.
"Cooking with Lavender" from Chef, Don Agate. Don appeared on WSYR9 Bridge Street the day before the festival and cooked a oh so tasty Honey and Lavender infused Duck. You can find the recipe here.
Richard Linck, our dear friend and mentor beekeeper brought his observation hive and discussed basic beekeeping to a standing room only crowd.
Photographers, Ben Peterson discussed time lapse photography. Showing some time lapse photos and video of our lavender in bloom.
and Chris Murray made a presentation on using camera equipment. I should use my tripod more often. Have you seen his work?
Did you know that terrariums were back in style. I remember having one in the 70's. Carol Watson from Watson Greenhouse demonstrates the varies containers and plants you can use in a terrarium.
Showing the crimp of the wool and the feel of lanolin.
Spin Marilee, spin!
This little cutie helped her grandma make her lavender wand from the class I taught. And a number of visitors were interested in "How to Grow Lavender".
Honey and Bee sported new looks from our guests.
Early in the morning before the crowds we were still making finishing touches.
We want to thank everyone who came to this years event.
Real men pick lavender!
Visitors from Rochester.
It goes without saying we can not have a festival without our wonderful, giving, caring volunteers and talented artists. A number of them are missing from this picture.
A special thank you to Plank Road Magazine for again sponsoring this years event. They have also contributed to the CNY SPCA for the sale of this years festival poster.