Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lavender Plant Sale

Lavender Plant Sale to Benefit the Skaneateles Fire Department
Saturday, June 2nd & Sunday, June 3rd
9am - 4pm

Lockwood Lavender Farm will be selling (cash or check) Royal Velvet Lavender plants while the supply last for $5.00 each to benefit the Skaneateles Fire Department. We will also be offering a workshop on how to grow lavender successfully on Saturday, June 2nd at 1:00 rain or shine. 

Royal Velvet Lavender has deep purple flower spikes and is hardy to our zone 5.  It can be harvested fresh as a bouquet and dries well.  The buds can be used for culinary purposes or aromatherapy.

Our lavender market featuring over 30  lavender and honey products will be open every Saturday and Sunday from 9 - 4.

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