
Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's Lambing Season 2011

Lambing season on our farm is a wonderful and sometimes exhausting time of year. Seeing new lambs being born is the closest thing I've seen to magic and watching one take it's first shaky steps on impossibly long legs is nothing short of a miracle. Each day when you go into the barn we make sure they are up, watching for that early morning stretch and getting that drink of milk from they need so much to grow.

This years season has gotten off to a good start with our first set of twins born before Thanksgiving and a very special set of twins born on Christmas day.

Our newer born lambs are inside the barn penned up with their Moms. But few have ventured out into the snow not far from Mom so I can get take a few pictures.  I thought I would share some with you.

Born on Christmas day.

It was a busy morning.

She has not stopped baaaaaa since she was born.

Sometimes when they are running around it's hard to get a picture of them.

 She loves apples.

 She always has a smile on her face.

 Would you please give me something to eat!

 Hey buddy!  How about scratching me under my chin.

They all have their own personality.